Blockchain Explorer

Blockchain Explorer

This is a Laravel REST API that fetches coin data from CoinGecko and interacts with the Blockchain (Create and operate...

Laravel BestMovies

Laravel BestMovies

By @hichem

best movis full stack web app

kiriminaja php

kiriminaja php

KiriminAja API Client for PHP - Pickup Request, Tracking, Mapping and Integration Tools



Workout Plan API

laravel rest apis logger

laravel rest apis logger

Small package that can helps in debugging with API logs for Laravel Project.

hekayti laravel

hekayti laravel

Laravel web panel for a playful educational app, enhancing children's reading and listening skills in a fun way.

crud laravel vuejs

crud laravel vuejs

Tutorial CRUD SPA dengan REST API Laravel dan Vue.js 3

social network rest api backend

social network rest api backend

Social network written in Laravel. Type: RESTful API backend.



Deplooy no Railway

Aparat webservice restfulApi

Aparat webservice restfulApi

video sharing service, Web Service, RestFulAPI

Restful Web Services With Laravel 5.5

Restful Web Services With Laravel 5.5

This is a restful web services created using Laravel 5.5 for Meeting Scheduler API

directus laravel

directus laravel

A Laravel 5 Wrapper for the Directus REST API

laravel api practice

laravel api practice

Create CRUD REST API with Laravel API Resource

restful api

restful api

What is Restful API?



API-Rest para información sobre administración-politica de Cuba

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