Laravel Passport Vue Auth

Laravel Passport Vue Auth

Vue SPA Authentication with Laravel Passport

photo blog

photo blog

The Photo Blog Application based on Laravel 5 and Vue.js 2 + Prerender

laravel vue sanctum spa

laravel vue sanctum spa

A Laravel 8 and Vue 3 SPA boilerplate using tailwind styling and sanctum for authentication :ghost:



Full stack Laravel and Vue Example App



A Twitter like app build using Laravel Vue.js and GraphQL by

laravel vue stripe cashier

laravel vue stripe cashier

A very basic ecommerce app built with Laravel, Vue, and Cashier (Stripe)

Salon Pricing

Salon Pricing

A beauty salon pricing app, built with Laravel 5.3 and Vue 2.

laravel vue 3 starter

laravel vue 3 starter

By @Brahim

a pre-configured project using Laravel 8 and Vue 3

nova ckeditor4 field

nova ckeditor4 field

A Laravel Nova CKEditor4 WYSIWYG Field



Laravel 8 boilerplate project with Fortify + Vue 3 + Bootstrap 5

laravel vue

laravel vue

Laravel 10 eCommerce site with Vue 3 and Stripe



Laravel and VueJs Blog, using Laravel nova, GraphQL, NuxtJs, Apollo and ...more

breeze vue api

breeze vue api

An application / authentication starter kit frontend in Vue.js 3 for Laravel Breeze.

aplikasi laundry laravel 5 8 vue js spa

aplikasi laundry laravel 5 8 vue js spa

Aplikasi Laundry (Laravel 5.8 - Vue.js - SPA) #1: Schema Database

laravel nuxt

laravel nuxt

Laravel and Nuxt.js boilerplate designed for development with maximum API performance, ready-made authorization methods, image uploading with optimization, user roles,...

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