

By @lxerxa

An issue tracking tool based on laravel+reactjs for small and medium-sized enterprises, open-source and free, similar to Jira.

react laravel

react laravel

Package for using ReactJS with Laravel



ULEARN - Open Source(FREE) LMS script in Laravel 5.8 and ReactJS 16.9

laravel react webrtc video chat

laravel react webrtc video chat

Video chat application based on WebRTC (Laravel & reactJS)

react laravel with jwt auth

react laravel with jwt auth

Boilerplate for reactjs (15.6) and laravel (5.5) with jwt-authentication.

react laravel auth

react laravel auth

A basic authentication application with Reactjs frontend + Laravel api.



By @Krunal

Laravel 5.5 ReactJS Tutorial topic, we will cover today. For the frontend framework, there are lots of ReactJS developers out...

tech ecommerce

tech ecommerce

A full-stack CRUD Laravel and ReactJs E-Commerce platform with a secure authentication system using Laravel Sanctum, with the admin dashboard.

lumen react

lumen react

Foundation for an API-Centric Architecture with Laravel's Lumen (API) and ReactJS (Web)



This is a E-Commerce SPA it's build using Laravel, MySQL, ReactJS, Redux.

laravel shop directory

laravel shop directory

This Shop Directory project was built for the purpose of testing the modern monolith architecture that is quite popular today,...



This repository is for technologies and frameworks I used for the first time. Typically includes: grahql mongoDb PHP Laravel Express...

Laravel 5.5 CoreUI ReactJS

Laravel 5.5 CoreUI ReactJS

A clean install of Laravel 5.5 with the CoreUI Full Bootstrap Admin Template ReactJS Version



Clone do OLX usando ReactJS, React Native & Laravel

Laravel Testing

Laravel Testing

Testing repository for Laravel, Tailwind CSS, ReactJS, SCSS, and more!

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