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A pmmp plugin for Minecraft(W10,BE) [PHP]
Updated 1 year ago


A pmmp plugin for Minecraft(W10,BE) [PHP]

Some Information

This is an "API" plugin to get more easily user's Device

The Famous "API"

This is not really an API btw
How to Get the Os of a Player with SeeDevice
It's easy: $userOs =SeeDevice::getInstance()->getPlayerOs($player);
How to Get the Device of a Player with SeeDevice
A bit more difficult than before: $userDevice = SeeDevice::getInstance()->getPlayerDevice($player); Be sure to have the class in your use statement and that Player is an instance of Player
Don't forget to check if the plugin is online


What happened in the last update?
(1.1.0) Now all Commands can be managed(2 commands). You can now See the Real Device of the player from /seedevice.
(1.0.0) Nothing particular (Lot of things), just a remake of the plugin, because you and me, changed and it was the time to fix bugs.
You can Now customize the format of the Score Tag to show or not the Os and what do you want.
You can now disable the FakeOs Command..


How to see user's (device, os): /seedevice [player]
How to Edit user's os: /fakeos <name_of_device> (Only if it's enabled.)


To have access to the two commands, the player has to get the permission "SeeDevice.command.*"

Future Release

  • [x] Create the Plugin
  • [x] Do the Readme
  • [x] Possibility to change the name of the OS
  • [x] Create a command to get the Device Name of the user
  • [x] Config has more control! Enable or Disable the command
  • [ ] Get a serious list of Os
  • [ ] Re-Make the Config
    Don't be afraid by opening an issue or a pull request
Tags seed php
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