Best laravel framework open-source packages.

Nmap webui

A simple web interface for Nmap with a XML to JSON reports converter
Updated 1 year ago


A simple web interface for Nmap with a XML to JSON reports converter


As most of the nmap features requires to be root, you will have to run this command to avoid the need to specify the password when the interface will invocate nmap.

# Authorize nmap to run as root without password
echo "$USER ALL = NOPASSWD: $(which nmap)" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/nmap


Light theme


Dark theme



  1. Start backend web server
# For PHP
php -S localhost:8000 backend.php

The NodeJS version of the backend is not ready yet.

  1. Start frontend web server
# For PHP
php -S localhost:8001 server.php

# For NodeJS
node server.js
Tags xml php